
Holidays the Austrian way (Series)


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A holiday where you feel like you belong everywhere without having to be everywhere? A holiday where you get back to yourself when you get to others? All this is more than just a holiday. It’s a holiday the Austrian way! The campaign conveys precisely the feeling that people currently long for:

To experience one’s holiday consciously and sustainably by immersing oneself in real Austrian life. The implementation focuses on modern words or terms that at first glance have nothing to do with a holiday in Austria. They are staged “the Austrian way” and reinterpreted with images of Austria.

The music that best describes Austria is the 3/4 beat, hence it was the starting point for the composition. However, not in the classical sense, but in a contemporary and soulful interpretation, which will make you long for Austria.
Composer: Johannes Umlauft

Country Austria
Österreich Werbung / Austrian National Tourist Office
Zone Media GmbH
Agency Aandrs GmbH
Goals of the film

The current crisis has raised a general question of purpose and meaning. And it has brought about a new era of travel. There is a noticeable shift away from mass tourism; destinations are chosen more consciously and mindfully. Travellers seek to experience genuine added value, awareness and beauty, appreciation and connection. The desire to experience sustainable relationships ranks high in the post-Corona age. Travellers are increasingly asking for intense travel adventures and transformative holiday experiences. They want to be “touched” while travelling and enter into relationship with their surroundings.

A destination like Austria can offer all this. The people here meet these desires through their authenticity and warmth. They accompany the guests in their search for sustainable travel experiences. In our communication we focus on authentic relationships in order to provide real-life holidays. How we can summarize this new era of travel in four words? Holidays the Austrian way! Because “Holidays the Austrian way” is much more than just “being on holiday in Austria”: they convey a deep immersion into the country and a strong connection with the people. And they portray precisely this light-hearted attitude to life that people currently long for.

The campaign “Holidays the Austrian way” shifts away from interchangeable images towards personal, emotional, authentic and humorous communication.

The goal of the campaign is to generate the greatest possible international awareness for holidays in Austria within the target group and to spark in potential guests the longing for and the joy of a holiday in Austria.

Target Group

In its campaign, the Austrian National Tourist Office addresses the Individualistic Cosmopolitans: a digitally competent, on-trend, hedonistic, cosmopolitan upper class with an above-average educational level, aged 30-55, who are interested in diversity and the good things in life and are looking for new experiences away from mass consumerism.

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