Discover the colors you never knew existed_1

Lithuania. Discover Colours You Never Knew Existed



“Take a glimpse at how a unique palette of Lithuania’s colours is born.
Luca, our main character, is a young research assistant, who is tasked with the discovery of new colours. All the action of the video takes place in a fictional institute of colours somewhere in Lithuania. The video presents Lithuania through a colorful connection with experiences and places that are distinctly Lithuanian. This serves a dual purpose: for the visitors – to discover something unique and yet unseen; and for the locals to look at their country in a new light. No two colours are the same, and Lithuanian colours (and places where they can be discovered) are unique in their own way.
Luca tries creating a new colour the scientific way – by mixing different chemical substances. But it simply doesn’t work. A serendipitous moment makes him click and see a colour that was often in from his eyes – cold pink, the colour of Lithuania’s iconic beetroot soup, something every Lithuanian (and visitor) enjoys during summer. This colour serves as an addition to the institute’s colours you never knew existed collection along with such colours as baltic blue, amber yellow of Vilnius rooftop red and others. We invite the viewer to discover the unique things about Lithuania through the colours they might even know to exist.”

Country Lithuania
Lithuania Travel
Jsc Wide Wings
Agency N/A
Goals of the film

“To increase awareness of Lithuania among young travellers that have a desire to discover new experiences and unknown places;
Increasing engagement of the target audience and our fans; give fun and positive message for the audience about the unique and sometimes quirky experiences in Lithuania everyone can discover.”

Target Group

“Domestic – for Lithuanians to remind of the unique features Lithuania have, (demographics: 18-40 years old).
Foreign – for travellers and adventure seekers, keen to discover new things (demographics: 18-40 y.o., Europe).”

Fax: +43 (1) 505 53 7
Mob: +43 (1) 505 53 3719

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